FUGGENTI FIGURE – Photographs by Arda Asena, Edoardo Cozzani, Dani Lessnau

Giovanna Pennacchi is pleased to present the exhibition


Photographs by Arda Asena, Edoardo Cozzani, Dani Lessnau

Allen Frame, Curator

From 5 to 28 june

Opening Tuesday, June 5 at 7 PM

Three photographers present new work that depicts figures suspended in a trance-like atmosphere; the highly subjective images seem both mythic and fleeting.

Arda Asena, from Istanbul, constructs unsettling portraits in the studio, posing an elaborately veiled figure in an dramatic but undefined setting. The artist’s own nude self-portrait, also included, is sensual and enigmatic, like a dream figure encountered in a dark, private chamber of the artist’s psyche.  

Edoardo Cozzani, from Rome, depicts ancient statuary and contemporary landscapes, animating them with a deconstructive approach that involves blur, layering, and multiple exposure. Subjects that would seem immobile or fixed become provisional and mysteriously alive.

Dani Lessnau eschews a traditional camera, instead using a pinhole camera to capture black and white images of intimate encounters, like x-rays of desire and the libido. They complicate the notion of the photographer’s muse. The artist is both receptive and in control; the images are both raw and formal.

Fuggenti Figure is the second part of a curatorial effort by Allen Frame, a photographer himself who is spending the year in Rome in a residency at the American Academy. He teaches photography in New York at several schools including the International Centre of Photography. Like his previous show, Illusione Persistene, (April 13-May 5), Fuggenti Figure explores new directions by emerging photographers who attended ICP. Once known for its emphasis on photojournalistic reportage, ICP is now at the forefront of experimental and conceptual directions in fine art photography. The artists’ work in both exhibitions transforms notions of reality into private evocations of myth, dream, sexuality and identity.



Direzione: Giovanna Pennacchi

via Panisperna, 82/83

00184 Roma

tel +39 06.47742005




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